Lapo The Cat

Our time together ended too soon

“Just whisper my Name in your heart, I’ll be there.”



Lapo “The” Cat “2004-2019”

Lapo, symbol of past times. The Baker family “belonged” to Lapo because, in reality the old say goes: “Dogs have owners and cats have servants”. Lapo was known and loved by all the people in the ghetto. Was going to visit shops and received fondling from the shop’s owners. He was giving back trying to mark the owners with his scent.

In the language of cats, to close the eyelids represents a kiss. We were doing with Lapo the same and he was answering in kind. Small animals with great personalities who enrich our lives with their miaoing and the purrrrrrr which are appreciated by all.

Lapo – simbolo di tempi passati. La famiglia Baker “apparteneva” a Lapo. Perche`in realta` il detto dice: “I cani hanno padroni ed i gatti hanno servitu`”. Lapo era conosciuto ed amato da tutto il ghetto. Entrava nei negozi a ricevere le carezze che ricambiava con “stroffinamenti” del suo corpo sulle gambe dei proprietari.

Nella lingua dei gatti, il rinchiudere delle palpebre rappresenta un bacietto. Noi facevamo questi scambi con Lapo, e lui ricambiava in cotal maniera. Piccoli animali con grandi personalita` che ci arricchiscono la vita con il loro miagolio e le loro ben apprezzate fusa….


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